Our Support service

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Dear Valued Customers

In our effort to provide you with better and more efficient technical support, we kindly ask you to use our approved technical support system for any inquiries or issues that need resolution.

Why do we request this?

  • Tracking Requests: Our technical support system allows us to accurately track your requests and ensure they are addressed as quickly as possible.
  • High Efficiency: The system helps us organize and prioritize requests, ensuring you receive the support you need in the fastest and easiest way.
  • Effective Communication: By using the technical support system, we can review the history of previous requests easily, facilitating the provision of precise and effective solutions.

Important Reminder

Please note that we do not rely on phone calls or WhatsApp for our technical support system, and therefore, we will not be able to respond to calls or messages via these means.

We Apologize for Any Inconvenience

We apologize for any inconvenience this change may cause, and we want to inform you that our inability to respond to phone calls is due to our technical support team being engaged in processing customer requests through the approved system.

How to Use the Technical Support System?

  • Visit Our Website: You can access the technical support system through our website.
  • Submit Requests: Submit your requests easily through the system, and we will be in touch with you to resolve them as soon as possible.
  • Continuous Support: Our team is available around the clock to ensure the best service for you.
To ensure the level of service, contact information and a description of the problem must be entered accurately

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation with us.